Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lions and Tigers and

This kind of has a "Zabruderesq" thing going on because i was skulking along behind this bear in my front yard as i was trying to get the camera on the right setting. I had a great picture all lined up and it turns out it was on "portrait" and would not take it because there was not enough light or something. So instead i have the but end of a bear as he disappears into the scrub. I'm pretty sure i've seen this particular bear before. i would guess somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 lbs or so. It was heavier last year but had the same attitude.

What kind of shocked me is that we had the outdoor speakers on and were talking at conversational level when he just walked out of the woods not more than 50 feet from us. Tracy had her back to him/her so did not see it. I just said, "don't scream but theirs a bear right behind you." or something equally as silly.

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Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm a bad person ... but we knew that.

So today we laid the ashes of Shelly, my mom's cat to rest. This after the customary 1 year period of reflection.

Before you watch this first video, you must commit to watch the second as well. Don't watch the first unless your willing to watch the second.

Too soon?

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Friday, May 16, 2008

Shed again....

painted the shed. do you see it? I hope not.