Thursday, March 03, 2005

We were just informed that a C of O has been issued. We now actually have a time of day scheduled for closing, (noon tomorrow). The previous six scheduled closings merely narrowed it down to the day. I think it has a good chance of actually happening this time. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel obliged to add my 2 cents to the house saga. It's me, Pete, as in Pete and Juli, aka, the hosts of the homeless. First, let me say that Tracy and Mike have been model house guests - courteous and considerate. With the glaring exception of a fouled up bathroom which no one seems to take responsibility for, there haven't been any problems at all.

At this point we feel reasonably confident that Mike and Tracy have indeed closed on their house as they claim in voicemails, notes on kitchen tables and blackberry messages. As far as we can tell, they have spent the last two nights somewhere other than our house. Yet, we can't help but feel pangs of doubt. We've heard the whole "We're closing today" line before. In fact , we've heard it at least one half dozen times before. True, unlike the other times, they weren't there to greet me on my return from work. But still .... In keeping with Mike's profession, I will present the evidence and let you decide.

Exhibits A-Z - A late model BMW remains parked in front of our home. No less than 2 computers, computer accessories, 12 place settings of VERY NICE everyday dishes, assorted boxes, a battery of unknown description and no doubt the aforementioned skivies all remain at our home. Some of these items would be quite easy to get along without ... but the dishes?

This evidence leads me to question the veracity of the so-called close date. I hope the Mike and Tracy have indeed closed but won't truly believe it until I read it on this blog. Oh wait, Mike has no computer to update it .... hmm.

2:55 PM  

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